28 marzo 2012

Cena dei Pirati!

Lunedì prossimo,
Al solito posto,
Alla solita ora!

Vi aspettiamo ma fateci sapere quanti sarete!


21 marzo 2012

Invisible Children: KONY 2012

Facciamo sentire le nostre voci per cambiare le cose che non vediamo. Il 20.4.2012 guardate cosa accadrà di straordinario nel mondo...e grazie a George Clooney e Barack Obama e tutti quelli come loro!



20 marzo 2012

Calendario Regate ORC Milù 2012

Ecco il calendario per le prossime regate, alcune delle quali valide per la "seleção" dei campionati italiani ORC che si terranno a Riva di traiano dal 24.8 al 1.9, sui quali confrontarci:

1. Trasferimento RdT-Gaeta, we del 15.4 o del 22.4 - valido per la VOR 2014!!
(stefano, ugo....)
2. Trofeo Punta Stendardo (Gaeta), 28.4.2012-1.5.2012 - selezione per ORC.
(matteo, stefano, luca, claudio, ugo, sandro, ranieri,....)
3. Trasferrimento Gaeta-RdT, immediatamente dopo le regate di Gaeta.
(stefano, luca....)
4. La Lunga Bolina (SantaMarinella/Riva di Traiano), 25-27.05.2012
(stefano, luca, marcantonio, claudio,....)
5. Assoluti Italiani 2012 (Riva di Traiano), 26.8.2012-1.9.2012 (Se ammessi)
(stefano, luca, ugo, marcantonio, claudio,...)
6. Campionato Invernale 2012-13 (Riva di Traiano), 28.10.2012
(stefano, luca, claudio, marcnatonio, ugo,....)

Tutti possono partecipare (fatto salvo il peso complessivo non deve superare i 600kg) e quindi fatemi avere le vostre disponibilità di massima ad un programma di cosi' lungo periodo e cerchiamo di avere un quadro completo per la logistica e tutto il resto.



18 marzo 2012

RdT: r9 analisi e arrivederci!!! (con i video)

Cari amici vicini e lontani,
Sabato scorso si è concluso nel migliore dei modi possibili il Campionato Invernale di RdT 2011-12. Un bravissimo bravo va a Zigo Zago che ha saputo portare a casa un 1° posto assoluto in Classe 3 ORC e 3° posto assoluto in classifica generale ORC. Altri complimenti al team di Firstissimo (Il grande Ubi) che è arrivato 3° ma meritava il secondo posto "rubato" da Wanax che ha barato in una regata (vedi mio precedente post) e quindi avrebbe meritato di essere squalificato ma evidentemente grazie alla complicità di una Giuria che non vuole "vedere" la sostanza delle cose ma solo la forma con cui si presentano le proteste portano poi a lasciare passare impuniti certi comportamenti antisportivi come quello descritto la scorsa volta. Grandissimo SoulSeeker che ha sempre lottato con noi ma a parte quella giornata storta oramai riusciamo a batterli quasi sempre ingaggiando sempre belle battaglie sul campo di regata.
Video 1, prepartenza, partenza e prima bolina.
Video 2, fine prima bolina e prima poppa
Video 3, seconda bolina e inizio seconda poppa
Video 4, seconda poppa e arrivo.
Ita 13575 - Milù, arrivederci RdT! (foto T.Costantino)
Milù, se non avesse avuto quella giornata storta (proprio l'unica dove abbiamo fatto una doppia regata), avrebbe saldamente afferrato il secondo posto. Ma come sempre i fatti sono stati altri e non possiamo cambiare la storia che ha decretato questa classifica. Consoliamoci con la certezza che sappiamo dove possiamo puntare e la R9 ha confermato che il potenziale c'e' e possiamo battere i nostri avversari anche in certe condizioni facendo bene la nostra regata e mantenendo la giusta concentrazione.
Meteo del giorno 10.3: intensità del Vento misurata da RM04

I Pirati a bordo Sabato erano dei valorosi uomini di mare che hanno saputo mantenere sempre il sangue freddo nonostante le 3 straorze che abbiamo collezionato. Come aveva detto prima della regata il nostro oracolo Luca "regata con i botti". Ecco l'equipaggio:
- stefano, skipper e tattica
- ugo, main
- sandro e ranieri, jib and spi trimmers
- andrea r., pitman
- luca, mastman
- claudio, the great bowman warrior
Meteo del giorno 10.3: pressione hPa misurata da RM04
Risultato r7:

- Classe III ORC, 2°
- Generale ORC, 11
Risultato finale
- classe III ORC, 5°
- Generale ORC, 14° aexequo

Tutte le classifiche qui.

Purtroppo all'ultimo momento non si è imbarcato Marc., che si sarebbe divertito moltissimo e ci avrebbe fatto anche molto comodo solo per la sua stazza!!!! Speriamo si possa riprendere presto dall'influenza. Grazie ad Antonio per la sua disponibilità fino all'ultimo minuto che poi non ho potuto sfruttare nel migliore dei modi. Grazie a Matteo, Andrea, Eugenio che purtroppo avevano altri impegni e non sono riusciti a liberarsi per il tempo che hanno dedicato a Milù in questi mesi. Grazie a tutti voi che ci avete seguito da lontano e in special modo a Tania, la nostra grande fan che partecipa attivamente al Blog!

Le condizioni meteo di Sabato sono state belle e variegate come potete vedere dalle rilevazioni della Stazione Meteo del Porto di RdT RM04. Abbiamo iniziato alle 0720 con un ENE da 25knt che poi intorno alle 1000 e' iniziato a calare drasticamente per poi girare a N e tendere addirittura a NNW e poi rinforzare di nuovo fino a 25/30knt. Giornata spettacolare con sole e mare abbastanza calmo con onda lunga di 50cm circa.

Abbiamo montato la nuova randa pesante e il fiocco medio pesante per le grandi occasioni. In poppa sul primo lato abbiamo issato lo spi S2 e sul secondo lato l'asimmetrico A4. Purtroppo avevo lasciato a Roma lo spi da vento che sarebbe stato sicuramente molto utile e piu' efficace, ma le previsioni meteo non facevano pensare a questo genere di intensita' di vento.
Abbiamo ripreso tutte le fasi della regata con la video camera GoPro di Luca e spero di poter presto allegare alcune immagini.
Come sempre vi devo un'analisi finale della regata che abbiamo disputato.
- prepartenza, dopo una lunga attesa che e' stata quasi estenuante con salti di vento anche di 90° fino a quando il vento non si e' stabilizzato. Rotta per 010 con vento che rapidamente sale a 10/12knt.
- partenza e 1.ma Bolina, decidiamo di partire a meta' linea cercando il più possibile di essere liberi dato che le condizioni permettevano una buona velocità fin da subito. Diciamo che la partenza è stata da 6,5 nel senso che potevamo forse osare di più ed eravamo 2lunghezze dentro la linea di partenza. Proprio al Via abbiamo virato per liberarci di un paio di coperture e guardate poi nel video (dal 7'19") come incrociamo dietro Diversa (First 31,7), poi Firstissimo vira per coprirci e noi passiamo velocissimo entrambi, perdendo un po' di angolo ma con 2knt di velocita' in più. Sulle virate successive guadagnamo bene sia su Firstissimo (oramai ad una sola lunghezza) sia su SirBiss (Sydney-39) che comunque ha un ottimo passo. Bellissima la battaglia con SoulSeeker che ci vira sottovento con la speranza di mandarci a SX ma una provvidenziale poggiata mia per ingannarlo sulle distanze e forse un'onda presa male lo rallentano tanto che riesco a stare distante sopravvento da lui e poi passarlo in velocità. Bel confronto con Giochi di Vele (GS-40R) che anche lui passiamo piano piano sottovento con una velocità leggermente maggiore anche se forse di angolo e' un po' migliore del nostro. ZigoZago invece e' ancora davanti a noi 30" e poi li incrementerà a 1'30" alla fine del primo lato. Wanax (X-37) invece ci anticipa di solo 20" alla prima boa. Piccolo problema sullo stocchetto a Luca che esce fuori bordo ma si tiene ai candelieri!
Ita 13575 - Luca scivola sottovento per un bagnetto rapido
- 1.ma Poppa. Bella issata di spi con vento che proprio sull'ultimo tratto era aumentato fino a 25knt sotto la boa. Appena sia apre lo spi la barca vola ad oltre 15knt di velocità ululando!!!! Alla prima strambata andiamo in straorza purtroppo pero' senza conseguenze gravi. Poca sincronia tra i reparti, probabilmente avevamo dimenticato di cazzare un po' di vang e la randa mollata un po' in ritardo. Il tutto ha fatto saltare la manovra. Perdiamo circa 1' 30" prima di essere nuovamente in assetto. Dopo circa 4' un rollio troppo forte (forse portavo la barca troppo al limite sui 180°) con Claudio che vola fuori la barca e miracolosamente riesce a rimanere attaccato!!! poi ovviamente ofrseun po' stanchi ne facciamo un'altra nel rimetterci in assetto con la video camera che va addirittura sott'acqua! Per fortuna tutti interi! Un totale di 3'30" per tornare in assetto ma nonostante tutto i nostri avversari sono tutti li intorno perche' navigano ora a vele bianche senza spi! Ancora qualche planata a 15knt prima della boa. Poi in boa arriviamo davanti al SirBiss e Wanax che nonsotante i nostri numeri sono rimasti indietro. Superiamo anche Antico Toscano (GS-40) proprio sulla boa.
Ita 13575 - Volando in assetto ad oltre 15knt
Ita 13575 - 1ma straorza con claudio che si tuffa in acqua

Ita 13575 - 2.nda straorza con barca a 80°.
- 2.aBolina e' un recuperare le forze e scegliere la tattica migliore. Il vento si e' steso forte sui 25knt e decidiamo di andare tutto a DX. Barca subito in assetto e molto veloce. Poco da raccontare se non che abbiamo scelto il bordo migliore tanto che alla fine eravamo ancora piu' vicino ai nostri avversari e abbiamo girato la boa con un distacco di circa 1'30". Una mia manovra errata nel girare la boa mi fa toccare con la punta del boma la boa ed eseguiamo prontametne una penalita' (ndr, Wanax è cosi' che ci si comporta!!!) proprio davanti a Wanax!!!
- 2.aPoppa, in grande rilassatezza mettiamoa  riva l'Asimmetrico A4 che ci lascia cosi' manovrare meglio. Il tempo di cambiare il circuito e siamo di nuovo veloci! Questa volta senza nessun problema! Recuperiamo ancora bene su tutti quelli che scendono a vele bianche. Il vento inizia a calare di intensità leggermente portandosi sui 17knt e forse ruotando leggermente ad SX. Degno di nota lo stocchetto finale lo facciamo con l'A4 mentre tutti usano solo il fiocco (forse per stanchezza). Noi facciamo tutto bene tranne che a 300mt dall'arrivo mentre tiriamo su il fiocco i due tailer si dimenticano di bloccare le scotte dell'A4 che ovviamente si dispone a bandiera! Lo recuperiamo appena giriamo la boa di arrivo!

Bravi tutti e bellissima regata! Come sempre e' stato un onore e privilegio navigare con voi e speriamo di scendere di nuovo in acqua tutti quanti insieme! Per il calendario delle prossime emozionanti avventure di Milù e dei suoi Pirati, seguiteci ancora solo sul nsotro Blog! per il momento abbiamo scolpito abbastanza i nostri nomi nelle pagine della Storia, è ora di riposare!!!

A presto!


ps: un ringraziamento particolare va a Marco Fracassa del Ristorante Baia Blu (dove si mangia divinamente bene) che ci ha sopportato ogni volta e ci ha intrattenuto con il suo splendido umorismo in dialetto civitavecchiese!

8 marzo 2012

Witbread/Vor: dove sono finite le vecchie barche?

Da un articolo del The Daily Sail:
Steinlager 1989-90

Academic exercise, piece of historical research, unadulterated anorakery, or possibly of use to the Volvo Ocean Race now that they have announced their plans to hold a Whitbread/Volvo Ocean Race reunion in Alicante in November 2011  - if any readers have information about the whereabouts of the boats that have taken part in the fully crewed round the world race over the last 47 years - please log into the site and add your comments at the bottom of the page or if you're not a subscriber you can either email us here or you can download the whole list as a Word file here, fill it in and send it back to us here 
Sayula 2 (winner) - Swan 65Fine story. Still owned by Ramon Carlin and cruised around Mexico
Adventure - Nicholson 55from 'Longy' 14/7/10: "...seen out in Hawaii mid 1980s, owned by Arapoff. Might still be out there. New name, don't remember." From Ben Peter (23/7/10): Was used as a joint Service training vessel sailing from HMS Dolphin in the late 90s. From John Spottiswood 10/8/10: Adventurer was given by the JSSC to the Russian Navy a few year back I understand
Grand Louis - 60ft staysail schoner 
Gaia - Georgio Falck 45ft sloop 
Kriter - Auzepy-Brenneur 68 Spent 17 years unloved and untouched in Newport, RI before returning to French ownership and a full restoration program. More here
Great Britain II - 77ft Alan Gurney design.Competed in first five Whitbreads: 1981 United Friendly, 1985 Norsk Data GB, 1989 With Integrity. John Burnie writes (11/7/10): Saw this yacht in Horta in June this year as we passed through. She is now in private ownership and called Whitbread Heritage. Read more about her here. From Mark Watkins (15/7/10): I was in fact on Whitbread Heritage (formerly GBII) on the delivery trip from Antigua to Lymington via Horta back in May / June. The boat has been in private ownership for many years now, the current owner having had it for approximately 12 years. She spent Xmas in the Canaries then went over to the Caribbean in January until May. She’ll be in the Solent for the next few months (Cowes I think) & will be doing corporate hospitality for Cowes Week this year. I think the plan is to then head out to the Med for the Winter & beyond that I’m not sure!
Second Life - Roddie Ainslie's Ocean 71 Roddy Ainslie writes: "Second life was used as a sort of poor mans charter boat for a year or two after the 73-74 race then finally sold to an American who spent a fair amount on the interior, some new sails etc and then the new owner cruised her around the Med for a while. She was later seen moored in Chesaspeake Bay. The next time I heard of her was some years later, it was rumoured that she had been sold by the American Government having been caught drug running. Then about five years ago I understand she sank in the Caribbean having taken on a lot of water very suddenly, Fortunately no one was hurt."
British Soldier (ex British Steel) 59ft 
CS & RB - 50ft ketch 
Tauranga. Swan 55From Phil Aikenhead  (13/7/10) owned by Don Wood and named Gandalf Wight Sourcer. Sold a few years ago not sure to whom but Don would know
Copernicus - 45ft ketch Marek 'Goly' Galkiewicz (Mateusz Kusznierewicz Star Olympic campaign preparator) writes (13/7/10): She is still sailable, still owned by the same Yacht Klub Stal in Gdynia, Poland. She is in pretty good shape, not much modified from the original, and in the storage we have even sails from Whitbread! Now, working as a charter boat, sail every year on the Nord Sea and Baltic - being our most occupied boat for both club and charter trips. I've already talk with my clubmates to go to Alicante next year! More here
33 Export - Andre Mauric 60 ketch 
Otago - 55ft steel ketchFrom Marek Slodownik, H2O Magazine, Poland (14/7/10): She was lost in Bjoernoeya Island (Svalbard Archipelago) in August 1976
Peter von Danzig - 55ft steel yawl13/7/10 rechristened Peter von Seestermühe, owned by Christoph von Reibnitz. More here
Pen Duick VI - Eric Tabarly's André Mauric 73ft  Later Euromarché. Now charters via here
Burton Cutter - John Sharp 80From Matt Jess (14/7/10). Kriter 2, ESP - private owner - Mallorca. Morehere
Jakaranda - Swan 56 
Concorde - Auzepy-Brenner 32 
Pen Duick III -17.45m schoonerOwned by the Tabarly family and operated via www.club-penduick.com
Flyer 1 - S&S 65+A41from Dave Cort 13/7/10: is now Alaska Eagle at Orange Coast College in Newport Beach California, USA. Used heavily for ocean crossing training runs, and as escort boat for the Transpac Race. More here
King’s Legend - Swan 65 In 1999 bought by Gijs van Liebergen and now available for charter/regattas. In 2010 she is based in the Malta/Sicily area. More here
Traite de Rome - Swan 51 Peter Schell writes 27/10/10: ...is in Belgium at the BRYC in Brussels. She is still owned by the same association "sail for europe" as was the case in 78.
Disque d’Or - Pierre Fehlmann Swan 65 
ADC Accutrac, Clare Francis Swan 65 
Gauloises II - 57ft ex Pen Duick III
Adventure - Nicholson 55 
Neptune - 59ft Mauric sloop John Burnie writes (11/7/10) Alive and well as Jupiter in Guadeloupe – owned by syndicate, headed by Phillipe Charre based in Pointe a Pitre. Yacht regularly races in local Triskell Cup Series and Round Guadeloupe Race. The vessel even has some of our old Swan spinnakers on board!
B&B Italia - Alan Gurney 54 
33 Export - Andre Mauric 60 
Tielsa, Dirk Nauta - Johan Elsenga 63 From Michael van Vuuren  (21/7/10): s now owned by Dick Ton. Currently on a trip around the world. More here
Great Britain II - see 1973/4 race
Debenhams - John Ridgeway's Bowman 57 
Japy-Hermes - McCurdy & Rhodes 65From Monte Clark, Stevensville, Montana 12/1/11: I owned this boat  from around 1999 to 2001. I found her in Sausalito California. A Frenchman had purchased her at a government auction I believe. She had been confiscated by the US government for running drugs is how the story goes. I am not positive about this information. The Frenchman had been living on her for some years in Sausalito. After he died, the family put the boat up for sale. I saw it and purchased it. I had the boat brought up the coast to Seattle Washington. I worked on it a bit there and sailed it very little. I sold it to a Californian who I assume brought it back to California. Not sure of its current location. I have attached two digital files. If you or anyone else is interested I have more pictures of her that I can scan and send. I am so glad you are helping to track down these beautiful pieces of history. Back when boats were beautiful.
Heath’s Condor - 79ft John Sharp design 
Flyer 2 - Frers 76 sloop Nigel King writes (19/7/10): I was aboard her in Grenada in 1989 – 90 prior to her going through the Panama Canal, last I heard she was crushed in an accident in a lock and written off be insurers, don’t know what happened after that or even if that is totally correct information but that was the talk around that time. Matt Jess adds (20/7/10)....it appears that she lives on and there is a link to some photos of her taken in Marmaris last year.
Charles Heidseick III - 66ft Vaton designFor sale in St Tropez through Ivaldi Yachting Monaco. More here
Kriter IX- Andre Viant's Frers 62 
Disque d’Or 3 - Farr 58(later made more famous as Tracy Edwards' Maiden). Sam Davies (6/7/2010): I saw her in the Seychelles (Eden Island Marina) last Month...... From reader (13/7/10): 1981/82 I sailed Disq d'Or 3 badged as Prestige Krost in the Lisbon to Cape Town Bartolomeu. From Jon Rabey, MD, RiskRecycling Asia/Pacific (24/8/11): "I raced on Maiden during 2000 Tall Ships. She was then owned by Terry Neilsen. I have lost contact with both the boat, and Terry since eearly 2000’s but would love to find out where they are now , indeed if Terry still owns her!"From Jonathan Gill (8/1/13): I spotted a wreck of a yacht with the word MAIDEN written on it at the Eden Island Marina in the Seychelles last week. The hull is painted grey but you can see Royal Blue livery below. I’m no racing yacht expert but the hull seems to be the right size and with two large wheels and twin wrenches for lifting sails appears to have a racing heritage. Also has Welsh Education Department sicker on hull suggesting it has UK origin and has been used in some form of education. Sadly didn’t take a photo...
Outward Bound - Davidson 50 
Xargo III - Swan 65. From John Burnie (13/7/10): This yacht originally owned by Padda Kuttel from South Africa was sold and is now called Nittan. Padda then went on to build and enter Atalntic Privateer (called Portotan for the first leg to CapeTown) Some history here as Tracy Edwards was crew on this second yacht and Paul Stanbridge was the bow on both yachts. Also David Bongers (owner of the original offshore heros) was Captain on both Xargo and Atlantic Privateer - he is still about today as Captain on well known Swan 65 Desperado.
Morbihan - Joubert Nivelt 46From Dominic de Valera (26/8/11): I saw Morbihan in the marina on Gran Canaria back in 2004 looking a tad unloved and careworn.
Berge Viking - Swan 57From Matt Jess (20/7/10): Was run as a sail training boat in Norway after the race. Subsequently she was bought by Morten Bergesen, who was CEO of the company that sponsored her in the race. More here.
Alaska Eagle see Flyer from the previous race
Euromarché ex-Pen Duick VI - see 1973/4 vrace
Ceramco New Zealand 68ft Farr designFrom 'Longy' (13/7/10) sold to Newport Bch, CA, becameWinterhawk. Was homeported there for 10-12 yrs then sold to Gulf of Mexico area? From Matt Jess: Now owned by Dianne Masters.
Skopbank of Finland - Baltic 51 
Rollygo - Frers 51Believed to be in Rapallo, Italy. More here. From Alessandro del Carlo 14/1/2011 is in Porto Lotti, La Spezia and still takes part to some regattas like Trofeo Pirelli, and centovele   
Traite de Rome - Swan 51 
Corky - Marcel Vankeirs- Bilck 55 
FCF Challenger - Ocean 80. Became Creighton's Naturally in 1989-90 race. Abandoned in 2000 while on a delivery. Apparently salvaged. More here
United Friendly ex Great Britain II - see 1973-4 race
Walross III Berlin - Swan 55 no013. From Neil Paterson (14/7/10): Originally Jan Pott until the mid-1970s when she became Walross III. Vaguely remember her competing in the DaimlerChrysler North Atlantic Challenge 2003. She is now based in Medemblik, Netherlands and sails as Luchtlooper III.
Licor 43 - Bazan 59 sloopNow called "laisve" and based in Lithuania www.laisvojijura.lt/
Ilgagomma - Alex Carosso 50 
Bubblegum - Bazan 43 
European Uni Belgium - Frers 46 
Gauloises 3 - 62ft Ron Holland sloop Spotted by Liz Rushell in Sardinia August 2010. Pics here
Save Venice - Scattalin 64 
Vivanapoli - 57ft 
33 Export - Briand 58 
La Barca Laboratorio - Giorgetti/Magrini 65 From Giovanni Ceccareli: I saw the Barca Laboratorio, only the hull and deck, years ago in Cantiere Orioli in Marina di Ravenna, Ravenna, Italy  .
Scandinvian - Swan 57 
L’Esprit d’Equipe - Briand 58Ex: 33 Export, later L'Esprit de Liberte
Philips Innovator - Judel-Vrolijk 63From Matt Jess: subsequently Equity & Law 2 (in 1989-90 race) Recently for sale through Broadwater Marine and located in North East USA.
Fazer Finland - Swan 651From Matt Jess (20/7/10): was converted to a luxury cruiser in 1989, is now called Lady Godiva 3, located in San Diego and for sale. More here
UBS Switzerland - Farr 80Became Belmont Finland 2 for 1989-90 race
Rucanor Tristar - Ribadeau-Dumas 58From Matt Jess (14/7/10): Subsequently Rucanor Sport (in 1989 race). 1991 to present - Tomidi. More here
Fortuna Lights - Visser 62From Jeanne Renée Hadem (22/10/11): ...is still alive and sailing as training and charterboat of the Base Naútica de la Mar Bella in Barcelona. I did a complete refit in winter 2008/2009, new rig in 2009. The interior design is still the original. She is now called Siesta (her original name) and her homeport is Port Olimpic, Barcelona. We sail her sometimes with the original Spi from 85/86.....(by light winds only cause the spi with the big letters Fortuna light is now nearly transparent...)
Lion New Zealand - Ron Holland 78Charters out of Auckland. More here
Drum -  Simon le Bon's 78ft Ron Holland design Still owned by Sir Arnold Clark and kept on the Clyde.
Equity & Law - Baltic 55From Paul Scarano and  Victoria Godden (15/7/10): "We are the present owners of S/V Outlaw which was formerly Equity & Law that raced the Whitbread with a Dutch team in 1985-1986. We bought the boat in 1997, refitted and refurbed her at the family boatyard in Albany NY. We have just retired from the daysail charter business in St John, USVI as a Coast Guard certified vessel for 12 passengers, more here. Outlaw is presently for sale and located at Scarano Boats, Albany, N.Y. Phone contact: 340 998 5406.
Cote d’Or - Eric Tabarly 83ft Joubert-NiveltSince renamed Yorgo and 'for sale 'in the Caribbean. More here
Shadow of Switzerland - Swan 51 
Norsk Data GBEx-Great Britain 2 (see 1973-4 race)
SAS Baia Viking - Elvstrom/Kjaerulff 49 
Atlantic Privateer - Farr 80Perhaps appropriately, was nabbed in 2009 for being used to smuggle hashish. Full story here 24 Nov 11: Hello, I know where is the yacht Atlantic Privateer 85-86. I am the owner and wants to sell it cheaply (same hull). Email: arturesta@tlen.pl
NZI Enterprise - Ron Holland 78Subsequently Gatorade in 1989-90 race. From Casopis Morsko Prase (27/8/11): ACY N01 is now in Croatia, in Split, out of water and it doesn't seem that it will go back to water. Last race he did was Quebec- St. Malo in 1992.
Steinlager 2 - Peter Blake's Farr maxi ketch (winner) 84ftSold to Georgio Falck and renamed Safilo. Was owned by the Blue Water Academy - more here. But wait, photographer Juerg Kaufmann writes: "Steinlager II is owned by a good friend. He is planning to bring her back to New Zealand. His name is Stefan Detjen living in Lugano. He is very supportive for almost any kind of activities with the boat. There is an important point to consider: the boat is back in his original shape all back to original. After he took here over by the Italians. Stefan Detjen of Big Red Challenge writes: "All correct with Jürg’s information. Blue Water don’t owe any of the boats listed (Steinlager, Amer Sport One). Steinlager 2 will do ARC 2010 and then heading to NZL. We just made a 3000 mile delivery in three weeks from Baltic Sea to Med (Trapani, Sicily) without problems or any damage. From August 1 –10 Steinlager will do a charter from Tunis to Istanbul (5 countries in 10 days). Still sailing strong..." 25/10/10: Currently taking part in Rolex Middle Sea Race. 30/8/11 From Guy Mayger: Saw her in Napoli last week whilst we were on a cruise ship holiday tour of the Med (don't ask!)...seeing Big Red and being cheeky enough to ask whether we could take a look onboard. Delivery crew were very welcoming and my two sons thought it was great. From Mariano Capdevila (6/9/11): ...at this moment is taking part… and leading the Columbus Regatta, from Palos (Huelva) in the south of Spain to La Gomera Island (Canary Islands).  The boat entries with the sponsor’s name: TOYOTA NIPONUBA.
Fisher & Paykel – Grant Dalton's Farr maxi ketch 82ft From John Burnie (13/7/10): ...was in Antigua some 18 months ago at the same time as Steinlager. Both yachts were available for charter and failed to sell for Antigua sailing week. What a missed opportunity for a wonderful re-run of these two yachts head to head... From Matt Jess (14/7/10): ESP - Publiespana,Challenge 93, Lanzarote corporate charter. Was for sale through Bach Yachting - owner has sponsorship for 2010 season. From Bernhard Eberstadt (3/9/11): ...was renovated and is around on the Canary Islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura available for charter. Saw her from my house the other day - what a sight!
Merit – Farr maxi sloop 80ftConverted to a ketch. According to 'Ihatesailing' has "been sitting in in Trapsa Marina, Palma de Mallorca for the last 4 years. She never moves."
Rothmans – Humphreys maxi sloop 80ftFrom Matt Jess: SWE - Very Bright, Europolitan, then Rothmans -www.rothmanssailing.com (but site down).
The Card – Farr maxi ketch 80ft12/7/10: based up in Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia.
Charles Jourdain – Ribadeau-Dumas 72ft sloopSubsequently rebuilt as Ludde Indvall's transat record breaker Nicorette. From Matt Jess: then RX Sight, SWE - Royal Blue
Fortuna Extra Lights – Visiers maxi sloop 77ft Modified and enlarge by Lawrie Smith for 1993-4 race. From Matt Jess (14/7/10): Modified as luxury cruiser and racing in Superyacht Cup, Palma 2010.
Gatorade ex-NZI Enterprise (see 1985-6 race)
Union Bank of Finland - Ludde Ingvall's Joubert-Nivel 82ft designBOC/Vendee winner Christophe Auguin had her for charter during 1990s.
Belmont Finland II - Farr 80Ex-UBS Switzerland (1985-6 race)
Fazisi – Vlad Murnikov 83ft maxi sloop Now based in the mid-West, USA. Willie Lynch writes: "Fazizi is in Chicago, owned by the Polish Sailing Association, currently getting a mini refit in preperation for this year's Chicago to Mackinac Race."
NCB Ireland - Ron Holland sloop 81ftWillie Lynch (13/7/10) along with Martela were or still are charter boats in Bahamas. I worked on NCB while she was in Greece then named Athina. Ben Cooper from Berthon writes: Sold to Caribbean Syndicate through Berthon and used for corporate match racing against Martella. Now for sale and lying ashore in Trinidad. More here. From Matt Jess: Refit by Greg Peck - Rocket Yachts in 2001.
British Satquote Defender – Martin Francis maxi sloop 81ft12/7/10: based up in Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia.
Liverpool Enterprise - Farr 80(ex-Atlantic Privateer - see 1985-6 race)
Martela OF - Frers 80From Marek Slodownik, H2O Magazine, Poland (14/7/10): later Uruguay Natural (Whitberead Race 1993-94), then Maxima (Round Ireland class winner late 1990s). From 1998 or 99 she was Lodka Bols under the Polish flag and used for the promotion of charter company Bols Sport Travel. Gotland Runt (2000) and Sydney to Hobart (2001), later sold to Ireland and make the local record around Ireland.
Equity & Law II - Judel-Vroiljk 63Ex Phillips Innovator (1985-6 race)
Esprit de Liberte - Briand 58Ex L'Esprit d'Equipe (1985-6 race)
Maiden - Farr 58Ex Disque d'Or (see 1981-2 race). Made famous by Tracy Edwards
Schlussel von Bremen - Judel-Vrolijk 63 
Poste - Beneteau 51 
Rucanor Sport - Ribadeau-Dumas 58Ex-Rucanor Tristar (1985-6 race)
Creightons Naturally - Ocean 80Ex-FCF Challenger (1981-2 race). Barry Mercer writes 26/9/2010: 'Creightons Naturally on which I completed the 1989 Whitbread is now based in South Africa where she is owned by a dentist apparently.' Barry Mercer updates us 25/10/2010: Now co-owned by a certain Nick Davis. Berthed in the River Gate Marina, Brisbane, Australia prior to re-fit. Extensive plans for future operations - see website "Oceanstory.org." Previously had been docked in Sydney for 2 years.
With Integrity Ex Great Britain II -(1973/4 race)
NZ Endeavour – Farr maxi ketch (winner) 85tFrom Bill Reilly (13/7/10): listed in Yachting World magazine as 'for sale in Elba'. More here. Mike Watson confirms: "Yes New Zealand Endeavour is for sale in Norway along with La Poste. They were used for corporate entertainment.
Merit Cup – Farr maxi ketch 85ftDestroyed by fire in La Ciotat in 2000 or so
La Poste – Farr maxi ketch 85ftSold a few months ago - she had been run by the same company which has New Zealand Endeavour. Spotted in Elba 22/10/11 here. From Daniele Casta (30/1/12): She's now involved in social projects with WWF and AIPD (www.aipd.it) Willing to partecipate in Barcolana 2012 with a  special crew: 8 people with Down syndrome. More here. Actually filming a documentary on this challenge, began in 2009, They're still finding some sponsors or support.
Urugary Natural - Ex-Martella OF (1989-90 race)
Fortuna – Lawrie Smith's maxi white elephant Modified from 1989/90 race
Yamaha 2 - (Farr W060 winner)Based in Newport Beach, CA
Intrum Justitia – Farr W60 Ian Findlay (13/7/10): is now chartering out of Ocean Village as Blue box Sailing's Whitbread 60 Blueprint. More here
Galicia 93 Pescanova – Farr W60From Matt Jess: SWE - EF Racing training boat, ESP - private ownership - last seen in Vigo.
Winston – Brad Butterworth Farr W60Skippered (in a rash moment) by Alinghi's Brad Butterworth. From Matt Jess: NOR - Kvaerner Racing (training boat), SWE - Nilorn (2003 VBR), VOR management, AUS modified and lengthened out of class. Possibly at Noakes Boatyard. From Dick Dastardly: The boat (as of 12/07/10) is sitting on a mooring off Woolwich in upper Sydney Harbour.
Tokio – Farr W60. Ben Cooper writes: "Sold to Spanish Syndicate through Berthon. Used as Charter business. Now in Spain, Barcelona I think." From Matt Jess: "FRA - Corum Meteorite, UK - Scotland corporate, FRA - Private owner. ESP - Sold to a consortium, possibly in Barcelona."
Tokio 2 - Swarbrick W60Ben Cooper writes: "Was Zest of Belgium. Now back to Tokio 2 and for sale through Berthon in Valencia."
Brooksfield – Petit-Bouvet W60. From Georgio (14/7/2010): "Brooksfield was owned by Dusan Puh from Slovenia and renamed Veliky Viharnik, lightened and modified to compete in all the North Adriatic Open races." From Rok Poropat (25/8/11): "... is in Slovenia now called Veliki Viharnik and owned by Telekom Slovenia - Mobitel (www.mobitel.si )"
Hetman Sahaidachny – W60From Matt Jess (14/7/10): ITA - Chica Boba 2000. Last known location - Italy.
Dolphin & Youth - Humphreys W60. From Matt Jess: UK - Sussex Challenge, Silk Cut Racing, various private owners, JPN - various private owners
Heineken - Farr W60 Ex-Yamaha 1. From Matt Jess: USA - US Women's Challenge(1993), NZL - Heineken (1993), UK - Viper, SWE - Swedish Match, Very Bright, DEN - Nokia, Stofanet, vo60.dk, NOR - Pontona Youth, AUT - Cuba Libre, ESP - Cantabria Infinita, SLO - Cuba . Recently sold - was advertised through Bach Yachting.
Odessa – W60From Matt Jess: in private ownership in Istanbul, Turkey
EF Language – Paul Cayard, Farr W60. According to 'DickDastardly' both EF boats are based in Sydney Harbour. More here. Latest here (10/11/10): This is now owned bywww.hongkongyachting.com, and is used for chartered days out and pleasure cruises
EF Education – Christine Guillou, Farr W60"
Merit Cup – Grant Dalton, Farr W60 From Nicholas Donnelly 13/7/10: she was upgraded to VO60 rules and used as the training boat for the Tyco campaign in 2001. She was then bought by Windward Sailing on the IOW and renamed Venom. I think they still own her - she is presently (well, was certainly a couple of weeks ago) ashore at Endeavour Quay in Gosport. For sale via Berthon - more here
Swedish Match - Gunnar Krantz, Farr W60. Pierre Charron writes (14/7/10): is now in Québec City under the name of Océan Phénix and is operated by Georges Leblanc who uses it for training seminars.
Innovation Kvaerner - Knut Frostad, Farr W60. From Matt Jess (14/7/10): SWE - Atea, UK -Innovation. Sank circa 2005.
Silk Cut – Lawrie Smith, Farr W60 Bought by SEB as their training boat for the next race. Then sold and renamed Pleomax, based in Sweden and owned by Harm Prins. Michael van Vuuren (20/7/10: She is based in The Netherlands (Vlissingen) and for sale by de Valk. More here
Chessie Racing – Farr W60 - Now called AAG Big One. Owned by Darko Tomasic and regularly charters around the Caribbean. From Marko Murtic (16/8/11): "i just want to mention that ex chessieracing Vo60 is in Croatia and is for sale by the owner Marko Murtic..."
Toshiba - Farr W60Located in the Baltic Sea (Warnemünde/Rostock) and owned by Speedsailing. More here
Brunel Sunergy – W60. From Matt Jess 14/7/10: NED - Was owned by Messink Yachting. Currently for sale through Netherlands Tax and Revenue. From Michael van Vuuren (20/7/10): An shore in Ymuiden- Netherlands, and for sale.
America's Challenge – Andrews W60 Based in Newport Beach, CA. Owned by Dr Neil Barth
Amer Sports One – Mani Frers VO60 Now owned by the Blue Water Academy - more here
Amer Sports Too - Farr VO60Giorgio Cecchinato writes (19/7/10): "contrary to what was written previous,  she is not ashore in La Spezia, but she is docked in Monfalcone and available for charter."
Assa Abloy (training boat) – Farr VO60. From Marek Slodownik, H2O Magazine, Poland (14/7/10): She was Bank BPH in fully crewed non-stop round the world record attempt by Roman Paszke and a Polish crew in 2004. Not succesfully, technical problems, broken boom near South Africa. In the same time Assa Abloy race boat was used as a promo stand of the Paszke's attempt at Old Town in Warsaw. Ben Cooper writes: "Now lying in Valencia for sale through Berthon. More here".
Assa Abloy (race boat) – Neal Macdonald's Farr VO60 - Became Hugo Boss 2 and since sold to Bahrain Team Pindar for use in Bahrain with former News Corp
djuice dragons race boat - Knut Frostad's Davidson VO60 12/7/10 now Southern Excellence and based on Sydney Harbour.
djuice dragons training boat - Davidson VO60 12/7/10 Now Project Racing - doing charter work out of Ocean Village, Southampton, UK. Now for sale through Berthon. More here.
Illbruck Challenge – John Kostecki's Farr VO60 (winner)Now Glashaeger, located in the Baltic Sea and owned by Speedsailing. More here
Team News Corp – Jez Fanstone's Farr VO60 Now Bahrain Team Pindar VO60 operating out of Bahrain. Famous for its involuntary 'holiday in Iraq' in December 2009. 
Team SEB – Gunnar Krantz' Farr VO60Now Rostocker, located in the Baltic Sea and owned by Speedsailing. More here
Team Tyco – Kevin Shoebridge's Farr VO60 From Nicholas Donnelly 13/7/10: Was bought by Hamish Oliphant, renamed Spirit, and run for a couple of years as a charter project under the company Pure Sailing. She was subsequently used (not sure if sold, or chartered) as a training boat for ABN AMRO Two in 2005. Not sure what happened to her after that. From Jurian Rademaker (15/7/10): Former Team Tyco was sold from Hamish Oliphant to Team Heiner and raced the France to Congo race as VOR preparation for the ABN AMRO 2 crew. During the VOR the boat was used as promotion/hospitality boat in various stopovers in Europe. (Branded in ABN AMRO colors). The boat is now part of the fleet of Team Heiner and based in Portimao Portugal, which is the former training base of Team ABN AMRO. The boat is available for (race) charter. More €www.teamheiner.com
ABN AMRO One - Mike Sanderson's Juan K VO70 (winner)Became Delta Lloyd in 2008-9 race. Michael van Vuuren writes (20/07/10): ...is back with Ger O'Rourke in Limerick Ireland. She left Ymuiden in The Netherlands at the beginning of june 2010. Before that she was used for Company Sailing from Delta Loyd. I enjoyed sailing on her the 1st of april 2010. From Ross O'Leary of MGM Boats: 25/8/11 "Ex ABN AMBRO Ex Delta Llyod is now for sale with us, at a very competitive price.Currently lying in Gosport, but on the move soon. Seriously for sale offers invited asking 800k euro + VAT."
ABN AMRO Two - Seb Josse's Juan K VO70 Sold to Puma as training boat before 2008-9 race
Brasil1 – Torben Grael's Farr VO70Michael van Vuuren advises (20/7/10): Currently for sale with Bach Yachting (www.bach.nl), she was used as a training boat for team Telefonica for the 2008/2009 race. She is modified with twin rudders. Campbell Field writes (23/7/10): Brazil 1 that was the telefonica training boat fell over in her cradle in a 60+ kt storm in Alicante in Feb 08. I believe is a total write off...
Brunel - Grant Warrington's Don Jones VO70Sold to CYCA Commodore Matt Allen and is now Ichi Ban
Ericsson Racing Team – Neal MacDonald's Farr VO70.Ben Cooper writes: "Sold to Slovenian team through Berthon. Now called E1."
movistar – Bouwe Bekking's Farr VO70 Somewhere at the bottom of the North Atlantic. Sunk during race - all crew recovered
Pirates of the Caribbean – Paul Cayard's Farr VO70Michael van Vuuren (20/7/10: Owned by the Volvo Ocean Management. The last time I saw here was during the stopover in Galway, where she was in Puma colors. Before that she was rented from Volvo by team Mean Machine with Peter de Ridder to be the training vessel in their attemps to set up a 2008/2009 campaign.
Ericsson 3 - Anders Lewander's Juan K VO70 Now owned by Fiat boss John Elkann/Giovanni Soldini.
Ericsson 4 – Torben Grael's Juan K VO70 (winner)Now owned by Groupama
Green Dragon – Ian Walker's Reichel Pugh VO70In Ireland. To be sure. 
Il mostro/Puma Ocean Racing – Botin & Carkeek VO70Used by Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing as training boat
Team Delta Lloyd Ex-ABN AMRO One
Kosatka/Team Russia - Humphreys VO70 Was out of the water in HYS near thedailysail office, but according to Ben Cooper "Lying in Lymington ashore and for sale through Berthon. More here."
Telefonica Blue – Farr VO70Racing in 2011-2 VOR as Team Sanya under Mike Sanderson
Telefonica Black – Farr VO70 

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